Car Accident With No Insurance - Get Compensation For Your Injuries

When a pedestrian, driver, or passengers are injured in an auto accident, it’s vital to retain an attorney who knows and understands the proper way to apply Illinois traffic law when bringing a pedestrian accident injury claim to court. Some pedestrians have very valid reasons for filing these types of claims against the driver of the other vehicle. Others merely believe that they were not legally obligated to follow the speed limit or that they were being careless. Whichever reason may be valid, it doesn’t change the fact that the injured party has to file a personal injury lawsuit in order to recover damages. It’s also important to remember that even though an individual may be partially at fault for an accident that occurred due to negligent driving behavior, he or she may still be able to recover damages for injuries.
Accident injury lawyers are adept at handling cases involving car accidents because they have the expertise and knowledge necessary to help their clients obtain the most comprehensive and adequate compensation settlements possible. They can also ensure that their client receives fair compensation from the insurance company of the driver of the other vehicle. Although the insurance company has the right to settle the case with little to no money lost, they will often settle out of court in favor of a settlement that is acceptable to both sides.
Many times, victims of auto collisions are willing to accept settlements that do not account for the full cost of their medical bills and other losses. This is why it’s so important for a personal injury attorney to understand all of the applicable traffic laws for his or her client. This includes understanding what constitutes negligence. This is a very important area of law because it deals with a matter of life and death. If you are injured in a traffic accident because of another driver’s carelessness, you may be entitled to compensation.
The first thing that any attorney should do after being contacted by an individual who believes he or she was the victim of a motor vehicle accident, or trauma is to get the person tested for drug and alcohol abuse. It is not uncommon for a driver under the influence of either alcohol or drugs to cause an accident. If the victim is not guilty of impairment related to either alcohol or drugs, but was the victim of another driver’s carelessness, then the attorney should seek proof of this from police documentation.
Police reports and medical records are often the only tangible proof of the carelessness of the driver involved. It can take weeks for these reports and records to become public record. Therefore, medical records and police records must be verified before a compensation case can move forward.
Once medical records have been obtained, the personal injury attorney will need to have them examined by an expert for their opinions on the severity of the injuries sustained and whether or not the injuries could have been prevented. In order to establish the best case for his or her client, the accident attorney will have to obtain all possible information surrounding the accident. This includes speaking with witnesses and providing copies of police reports and medical records to the insurance company to verify the extent of the injuries sustained. If the insurance company contacts the injured party or their representation, this contact may also be recorded in police documentation.
Other losses resulting from the accident might include lost wages due to time missed from work. Medical bills will also need to be paid. These can include bills for x-rays and prescriptions. Lost wages can prevent someone from working enough to replace their paycheck. In addition, any future income from overtime pay will also need to be established to ensure the victim receives all the compensation they are entitled to.
Medical bills, lost wages, and other compensation claims are only a few reasons why people think it is more beneficial to file a claim with an accident lawyer than to go through a car accident attorney. However, there are a number of reasons to avoid an attorney’s services. One of these reasons is the cost. By using an attorney, you’ll likely be paying more money than if you just went to a doctor for your injuries and made an accident injury claim.